Sunday, April 19, 2009

Make a good short film-by fanli

How to make a good short film? How to make a successful short film? I research so many online materials and library books. I sum up some elements.

Firstly, the short film should have interesting and exciting original idea. It is the basic. Researchh film's target audience.What your audience interested? How old? Whcih social class they stay?...All these information are considered aspects. Collect all materials from primary and secondary resources. It is short film which need more directly to display the purpose and the spirit of creation. And then how to design strong script? In a short film, how to effectively represent characters' role to create successful image? I think one of the most importants aspect is script. Thirdly, a short film should emphasis the theme all the time. The time is limited. As a film producer, what you think just in a limited time to repeat your theme in an effective and logic way, such as in a documentary film,like stop smoking. The most easy way like we can use black background added white subtiles to emphsis: stop smoking continued in the whole documentary. What is more, some film producers say: good beginning is most vital in film unit. If a short film has a boring beginning. How can your audience spend time watching this. In this piont, we should consider deep about our target audience need. They like special beginning or interesting beginning. All of these also focus the represented theme. In addition, such as acting, shooting, editing all these perfect operation can create a good short film.

Know about these theories and important information and then consider about our group short film in the course of create.Fighting! In next post, I will show some research information about our topic stop swearing, my understanding and opinions about our group film. Cheer up!!!

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